Kids Fundamentals: The Stepping Stone To Your Child's Success!

Our Kids Fundamental (Jiu Jitsu) program is the perfect way for young students to develop the foundation to learn martial arts. Our classes will teach students the basics of Jiu Jitsu, as they also build a good path to lifelong growth and development in body and mind. Our instructors ensure that our young champions will:

  • Discover and practice Jiu Jitsu in a fun, exciting, and creative way
  • Get educated on the important Jiu Jitsu skills and techniques
  • Sharpen their mental clarity, mind-body coordination, and ability to follow rules

Let's get them started today and watch as they grow into healthy & well-balanced individuals!

Kids Fundamentals: Classes That Empower & Education Students on Bullying

With knowledge and skill of self-defense comes great responsibility. We want our students to know the difference between self-defense through Jiu Jitsu versus aggression and bullying. Our school properly raises this topic to make students aware of how we should treat each other in times of conflict. Through Kids FUndamental (Jiu Jitsu) classes, your young winner will:

  • Practice and master self-defense skills and Jiu Jitsu techniques
  • Know what bullying is and how to respond to unwanted threats
  • Practice how to emotionally regulate and choose self-control

We are here to help them be ready for anything, as they learn compassion at the same time.